
Psalm 104

French Leader: Mon âme, bénis l’Éternel! 
English Leader: 1 Let all that I am praise the Lord!
ALL: O Lord my God, how great you are!
You are robed with honor and majesty. 
French Leader: 13 De sa haute demeure, il arrose les montagnes;
La terre est rassasiée du fruit de tes oeuvres.
14 Il fait germer l’herbe pour le bétail, Et les plantes pour les besoins de l’homme,
Afin que la terre produise de la nourriture,
English Leader: 13 You send rain on the mountains from your heavenly home,
and you fill the earth with the fruit of your labor. 
14 You cause grass to grow for the livestock and plants for people to use. 
You allow them to produce food from the earth
ALL: 24 O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! 
In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures. 
French Leader: 27 Tous espèrent en toi, Pour que tu leur donnes la nourriture en son temps.
English Leader: 27 They all depend on you to give them food as they need it. 
ALL: 28 When you supply it, they gather it. 
You open your hand to feed them, and they are richly satisfied. 
French Leader: 31 Que la gloire de l’Éternel subsiste à jamais! 
English Leader: 31 May the glory of the Lord continue forever! 
ALL: 33 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. 
I will praise my God to my last breath!

Psalm 136

1 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

ALL: His faithful love endures forever!

2 Give thanks to the God of gods.

AMHARIC: ምሕረቱ ለዘላለም ነውና።

3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords.

ARABIC: لأَنَّ رَحْمَتَهُ إِلَى الأَبَدِ تَدُومُ.

4 Give thanks to Him who alone does mighty miracles.

SPANISH: Porque para siempre es su misericordia

5 Give thanks to Him who made the heavens so skillfully.

KOREAN:  그 인자하심이 영원함이로다

6 Give thanks to Him who placed the earth among the waters.

UYGHUR: چۈنكى ئۇنىڭ مۇھەببىتى مەڭگۈلۈكتۇر؛

8 Give thanks to Him who made the sun to rule the day,

URDU:  اور اُس کی شفقت ابدی ہے۔

9 and the moon and stars to rule the night.

FRENCH: Car sa miséricorde dure à toujours!

23 He remembered us in our weakness.

CHINESE: 他的慈爱永远长存

24 He saved us from our enemies.

Farsi:  رحمت او تا ابدالاباد است.

25 He gives food to every living thing.

SWAHILI: Kwa maana fadhili zake ni za milele.

26 Give thanks to the God of heaven!

ALL: His faithful love endures forever!

1 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

ALL: His faithful love endures forever!

Based on Isaiah 9

Leader: The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. 

​​Jésus tu es la lumière du monde! (French)

ALL: Jesus you are the light of the world! 

Leader: He judges the people with righteousness and defends the cause of the poor.

Yesu wewe ni nuru ya ulimwengu! (Swahili)

ALL: Jesus you are the light of the world! 

Leader: He breaks the chains of slavery and removes all our burdens.

​​Jésus tu es la lumière du monde! (French)

ALL: Jesus you are the light of the world! 

Leader: His government and its peace will never end.

Yesu woe nye xexeame pe kekeli! (Ewe)

ALL: Jesus you are the light of the world! 

Leader: We are here to give Him all honor, glory, and praise.

​​Jésus tu es la lumière du monde! Nous vous adorons aujourd’hui! (French)

ALL: Jesus you are the light of the world! We worship you today! 

Psalm 104

French Leader: Mon âme, bénis l’Éternel! 

English Leader: 1 Let all that I am praise the Lord!

ALL: O Lord my God, how great you are!
  You are robed with honor and majesty.

French Leader: 13 De sa haute demeure, il arrose les montagnes;
  La terre est rassasiée du fruit de tes oeuvres.

14 Il fait germer l’herbe pour le bétail, Et les plantes pour les besoins de l’homme,
  Afin que la terre produise de la nourriture,

English Leader: 13 You send rain on the mountains from your heavenly home, 
  and you fill the earth with the fruit of your labor. 

14 You cause grass to grow for the livestock and plants for people to use. 
  You allow them to produce food from the earth

ALL: 24 O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! 
  In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures. 

French Leader: 27 Tous espèrent en toi, Pour que tu leur donnes la nourriture en son temps.

English Leader: 27 They all depend on you to give them food as they need it. 

ALL: 28 When you supply it, they gather it. 
  You open your hand to feed them, and they are richly satisfied. 

French Leader: 31 Que la gloire de l’Éternel subsiste à jamais! 

English Leader: 31 May the glory of the Lord continue forever! 

ALL: 33 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. 
  I will praise my God to my last breath! 

Psalm 136

Leader: 1 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

ALL: His faithful love endures forever!

2 Give thanks to the God of gods.

AMHARIC: ምሕረቱ ለዘላለም ነውና።

3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords.

ARABIC: لأَنَّ رَحْمَتَهُ إِلَى الأَبَدِ تَدُومُ.

4 Give thanks to Him who alone does mighty miracles.

SPANISH: Porque para siempre es su misericordia

5 Give thanks to Him who made the heavens so skillfully.

KOREAN:  그 인자하심이 영원함이로다

6 Give thanks to Him who placed the earth among the waters.

UYGHUR: چۈنكى ئۇنىڭ مۇھەببىتى مەڭگۈلۈكتۇر؛

8 Give thanks to Him who made the sun to rule the day,

URDU:  اور اُس کی شفقت ابدی ہے۔

9 and the moon and stars to rule the night.

FRENCH: Car sa miséricorde dure à toujours!

23 He remembered us in our weakness.

CHINESE: 他的慈爱永远长存

24 He saved us from our enemies.

INDONESIAN: kasih-Nya kekal abadi.

25 He gives food to every living thing.

SWAHILI: Kwa maana fadhili zake ni za milele.

26 Give thanks to the God of heaven!

ALL: His faithful love endures forever!