Our Vision
A gospel-centered church that glorifies God as “a light for the nations—so that all the world may be saved.” (Isaiah 49:6). We intentionally cultivate cultural and linguistic diversity, working to reduce barriers that often separate people. United in Christ, our voices and lives harmonize in a chorus of praise to God and service to one another. Compelled and enabled to love sacrificially for Jesus’ sake, our unity in diversity is a testimony to the world of what Christ alone can do as we
“declare his glory among the nations!” (Psalm 96:3)
Key Verse: Romans 15:5-7
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
God of endurance and encouragement
Ministry, and church planting especially, requires God-sized doses of endurance and encouragement.
Jews and Gentiles, rich and poor are called to live in harmony. To no longer allow language, culture, and sin to separate them.
In accord with Christ Jesus
Not merely horizontal harmony with one another, but a Christ-filled, Christ-fueled harmony that can only come from above.
With one voice glorify
The curse of Babel reversed! With one voice, this one Body together worships our own Savior, Jesus Christ.
Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you
Did Christ welcome us because of our holiness, income, education, culture, or status? No. So we welcome one another based on the gospel alone.
For the glory of God
the Trinity is alive in these verses. He is the beginning and end of all we do. If it isn’t done for His glory, if it is not His vision, it is doomed to fail.

Pastor Chris Sicks
Chris Sicks served on staff at Alexandria Presbyterian Church for 20 years. As Pastor of Mercy, he labored to show compassion in Word and deed to the congregation and community. He is founder and board president of For the Nations DC, offering English classes to refugees and immigrants four days a week, to help our new neighbors acclimate and discover the truth and love of Jesus.
Chris is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary DC.
Previously, he worked at Gospel Rescue Mission (homeless shelter and drug treatment program in Washington, DC) and ran a scholarship/mentoring program for inner-city youth. He’s been a newspaper editor, restaurant manager, and Army officer.
Chris lost his first wife, Sara, to breast cancer. Now married to Naomi, they have four teenagers. Chris wrote Tangible: Making God Known through Deeds of Mercy and Words of Truth (NavPress 2013).